HTML DOM hasAttribute() Method
Find out if a <button> element has an onclick attribute:
var x = document.getElementById("myBtn").hasAttribute("onclick");
The result of x will be:
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Definition and Usage
The hasAttribute() method returns true if the specified attribute exists, otherwise it returns false.
Tip: Use setAttribute() to add a new attribute or change the value of an existing attribute on an element.
Browser Support
The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the method.
Method | |||||
hasAttribute() | Yes | 9.0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Parameter | Type | Description |
attributename | String | Required. The name of the attribute you want to check if exists |
Technical Details
Return Value: | A Boolean, returns true if the element has attributes, otherwise false |
DOM Version | Core Level 2 Element Object |

More Examples
Find out if an <a> element has a target attribute. If so, change the value of the target attribute to "_self":
// Get the <a> element with id="myAnchor"
var x =
// If the <a> element has
a target attribute, set the value to "_self"
(x.hasAttribute("target")) {
x.setAttribute("target", "_self");
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Related Pages
HTML Tutorial: HTML Attributes
HTML DOM Reference: getAttribute() Method
HTML DOM Reference: removeAttribute() Method
HTML DOM Reference: setAttribute() Method