jQuery one() Method
Increase the text size of a <p> element when it is clicked (the event will only trigger once for each <p> element):
$("p").one("click", function(){
$(this).animate({fontSize: "+=6px"});
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Definition and Usage
The one() method attaches one or more event handlers for the selected elements, and specifies a function to run when the event occurs.
When using the one() method, the event handler function is only run ONCE for each element.
Parameter | Description |
event | Required. Specifies one or more events to attach to the elements. Multiple event values are separated by space. Must be a valid event. |
data | Optional. Specifies additional data to pass along to the function |
function | Required. Specifies the function to run when the event occurs |

Try it Yourself - Examples
Attach two
How to attach two event handlers ("click" and "dblclick") to a <p> element.