ADO Clone Method

The Clone method allows you to create a duplicate Recordset from an existing Recordset. You can use this method to create multiple, duplicate Recordset, particularly if you want to edit more than one current record in a set of records. This method is much more efficient than creating, opening, and closing a new Recordset equal to the original.
When you clone a Recordset you actually just create a new pointer to the same Recordset, therefore any changes you make to one Recordset will be visible in all of its clones. However, if you execute a Requery on the original Recordset, the clones will no longer be synchronized to the original.
The provider must support bookmarks on the Recordset object to create clones. Bookmarks are interchangeable; a bookmark reference from one Recordset object refers to the same record in any of its clones.
Note: The filter of the original Recordset will not be applied to the clone. To copy an existing filter: objRecordsetNew.Filter=objRecordsetOriginal.Filter
Note: When you close the original Recordset none of the copies will be closed. You will have to close the clones one by one.
Set objRecordsetClone=objRecordset.Clone(locktype)
Parameter | Description |
objRecordsetClone | The clone Recordset to be created |
objRecordset | The Recordset to be cloned |
locktype | Optional. A LockTypeEnum value that specifies the lock type |
LockTypeEnum Values
Constant | Value | Description |
adLockUnspecified | -1 | The clone is created with the same lock type as the original Recordset |
adLockReadOnly | 1 | The clone is a read-only Recordset |